What is the Role of Excipients in the CoronaVirus (Covid-19) War?

While the economic disruptions and human cost of the global pandemic have created shock waves, the mission of the excipients industry to maintain a steady supply of vital medicines and deliver new innovation has provided a strong focus for leadership teams. Other sectors are threatened as well, but the business challenges facing excipients are urgent, like ensuring that supply chains are functioning so patients can get needed prescriptions filled. Pharma executives are moving decisively to ensure patient health, manage disruptions and lead the development of a vaccine, antiviral or other therapeutic solution for Covid-19 with much at stake. Excipients play a vital role in the progression of new biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines to fight Coronavirus and other diseases.

RanQ, a pharma excipients manufacturer in India, has a crucial part in the fight against Coronavirus. As manufacturers rush to develop new biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, drug products and re-purpose older drug products to fight COVID-19, the significance of the critical function that pharma excipients manufacturers in India play in these products cannot be forgotten.

Excipients perform an essential function in biologics, but there are many difficulties in vaccine formulation and biologics, including stabilization during storage. Biologics and vaccines are inherently prone to degradation by several chemical degradation mechanisms. Selection and use of the appropriate pharma enable the development of novel therapies and robust pharmaceutical products. RanQ is one of the leading pharma excipients manufacturers in India and has been committed to providing high-quality materials.

It is vital for formulators, chemists, scientists and other professionals involved in the development of drugs, vaccines and biologics to stay abreast of the drug delivery advancements, latest FDA regulations and the evolving global supply chain. The COVID 19 outbreak has also presented Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers an opportunity to become a preferred alternate hub for manufacturing APIs and intermediates. New products must be developed quickly and demonstrate that they are safe and effective.